Start a revolution!

Unlock Your Potential with our Habit Revolution Challenge

Are you ready to transform your life through the power of habit formation and personalized nutrition? Introducing the 172-day Habit Revolution Challenge, brought to you by ENERGIA VITA.

As part of the Habit Revolution Challenge, you'll connect with a community of like-minded individuals, all committed to supporting each other's personal growth and transformation.


Our brains are wired for efficiency, constantly seeking to automate repetitive behaviours into subconscious routines.

By leveraging the principles of neuroplasticity, the Habit Revolution Challenge will empower you to rewire your habits and unlock your full potential.

Personalize Your Path to Wellness

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to habit formation and nutrition.

That's why the Habit Revolution Challenge takes a personalized approach, helping you curate a wellness plan that aligns seamlessly with your unique needs and lifestyle.

You'll receive quick, daily email reminders to check inside your portal for a micro-offering of direction, guidance, or information each of the 172 days through 11 Sections, and you'll be welcomed to think on it, act on it, or maybe even journal or document about it.

Minutes per day, but repetitive and supportive. 'Go at your own pace', means that you'll do each day's micro-lesson when it's convenient for you. No live video to attend, or specific time of day that you're required to log-in.

Join a Supportive Community

You don't have to navigate this journey alone.

As part of the Habit Revolution Challenge, you'll connect with a community of like-minded individuals, all committed to supporting each other's personal growth and transformation.

Get Started Today!

Enter your email and password below to join the ENERGIA VITA mailing list and gain exclusive access to the Habit Revolution Challenge.

Unlock the secrets to sustainable habit change and unleash your true potential.

Unlock Your Potential with our Habit Revolution Challenge

Start YOUR Habit Revolution, and unlock your power to change, grow, and succeed in your life.

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